德克萨斯州设计了一套通识教育核心课程,以确保在公立高等教育机构就读的本科生能够掌握在大学取得成功所需的基本知识和技能, in a career, in their communities, and in life-long learning.
德克萨斯南方大学的所有本科生都完成了a 42学期学时(SCH)计划的核心课程课程. The required components of the core curriculum are courses in communication; mathematics; life and physical science; language, philosophy and culture; creative arts; American history; government/political science; and social and behavioral sciences.
核心课程促进了公立大学之间低级别课程学分的转移, universities, 以及德州的健康相关机构. 在一所学校成功修完42个学分的核心课程的学生,可以在无需重复任何核心课程的情况下,将“核心课程完成”转到另一所德州公立学校. Students who transfer without completing the entire core curriculum receive credit for each of the core courses they successfully complete; however, 课程可能不符合接收机构的核心课程要求.